Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Classical Parent Training Course- a Parent Response to Week Two

Classical Parent Training Course – a Parent Response to Week Two

A CYM parent submitted this very thoughtful response to the week two parent training question:

Consider the patience and perseverance needed to meet Dr. Suzuki’s ideal home environment.  What are your thoughts?

                I feel very drawn to Dr. Suzuki’s description of the home environment he envisions to promote talent education.  It feels entirely right on.  It focuses our priorities on helping to form children’s character and give them a profound and beautiful vision of life and sees music as intimately connected to that process.  Regarding musical education, he offers very practical analogies (e.g. acquisition of language) that very clearly show how musical immersion in childhood, combined with ongoing practice leads to music becoming a part of a child and not just something he or she “can do.” 
                I think the biggest challenge is to face the truth that when Dr. Suzuki talks about the importance of exposing children to great, noble people there is also the implication that we as parents have the potential to be either great or not-so-great influences, but we will be an influence either way due to how much we are a part of our children’s early environment and ongoing environment, too.  His writing inspires me to see how I can develop myself and our home to be that noble environment and assist my children in persevering in their formation toward a beautiful, truth-filled life. 
Encouraging daily, consistent practice, with patience, is helping my child to develop inner motivation and to be drawn toward the study of music for its own sake.     

Congratulations to Melanie Drake as the first responder to our first Classical Parent Training Course question! Melanie won her choice of CDs from our CD collection!  See her winning response here!

Be sure to respond in our comments section to the week three Classical Parent Training Course question:

What are your thoughts on creating the ideal home environment?

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